
As a user, you will be able to make changes to the following settings for each organization:

  • Company Configuration
  • Users

5.1 Organizations

5.1.1 Organization Listing

When settings icon from the left menu is clicked, the organization will be displayed as shown below.


5.1.2 Update Organization details

In order to update the Organization details, the user has to choose the desired organization first in the Organization page under Settings.

When the user clicks on the 'Update' button of the desired Organization, a form is displayed. Once the user updates the details, 'Submit' button can be clicked to save the changes.

Update Organization

The updated organization details are visible in the organization details page.

5.1.3 Manage users Manage users

The Manage users  section allows the user to:

  • Create, update and delete a user

Manage Users

To create a user, the user has to click on the 'Create' button in the User tab, following which a 'Create User' form is displayed.

The user has to fill all the fields in the 'Create User' form. The filled form is as displayed below. Once the form is filled, the user has to click on the 'Submit' button.

Filled 'Create User' form

Once the user clicks on the 'Submit' button, the updated list of users is displayed.

To update a user's information, the 'Update' button has to be clicked. 

When the user clicks on the 'Update' button, the following 'Update User Info' form is displayed.

The user has to make the necessary changes in the form and click on the 'Submit' button for the changes to be reflected.

Filled 'Update User Info' form 

The updated user information list will be displayed

To delete a user, the 'Delete' button has to be clicked. 

When the 'Delete' icon is clicked-on, a confirmation window is displayed. If the user wants to proceed, 'Yes' has to be clicked-on. 'No' otherwise.

Confirmation message for deleting a user

After deleting a user, the updated list of users is displayed. 

5.1.4 Manage Email and Bug Tracking

The 'Manage Communication and Bug Tracking' portion of Settings consists of:

  • Bug Tracking
  • Email Configuration

The 'Bug Tracking' tab consists of JIRA, a bug tracking applications. The user can configure it if necessary.

When Jira is enabled, the following screen is displayed. The user has to fill all the fields and click on the ''Test connection' button. 

Jira Enabled in Bug Tracking

When the 'Email' tab is clicked, the following page is displayed. The user has to select 'SMTP with Password'


The user has to fill the necessary data and click on 'Save Configuration' to save changes.


All emails generated by Orchestron will be sent by the configured Email ID.